Swimming Reflection

Swimming Reflection

This term we started having swimming lessons in October, it was really fun and we learnt a lot. For our lessons we went to Cameron pools just by our school. We learnt some relays, like floating on our back and front and getting to the other side, using boards to help us getting to the other side and our swimming coach Bella taught us when to breathe while swimming.

Our next swimming lessons taught us how to swim with heavy clothes on. We did the same relays as our last lesson, but in heavy clothes. People said it was hard but it wasn’t that hard.

At our third lesson we learnt how to swim with empty bottles as our boards. They worked pretty well because they were filled with air and not water, but if there was water in it it would sink to the bottom of the pool. Our fourth week we learnt how to climb off and on a boat to climb on a boat our group lifted us up the boat one by one by pulling us up. To get off the boat we sat on the edge, held our chest and head and slid of into the water.

In the next lesson we did relays in life jackets and learnt the different parts of a life jacket. We learnt how to keep warm in a huddle so it wouldn’t get too cold and we also learnt how to stay together.

Our next lesson was about currents our group pushed their boards towards the person swimming to the end of the pool and it created a current so we could see if they could go through it.

In our last lesson we just did some fun stuff, we did relay races on a frog float and pool noodle. I didn’t enjoy this lesson because it felt a bit too short. The lesson I enjoyed most was climbing into a boat.

Smart Searching 2

Kia Ora viewers and bloggers welcome back, Today we did some Cybersmart slides. It was similar to last time when we had to search for words, but this time we had to take a screenshot of the results and name the different key parts of them.

We had to google with only keywords.

Nothing was hard and my favourite part was looking through the websites for answers.

Comment if i missed anything. Bye everyone!

Smart Searching 1

Smart Searching

Kia Ora viewers today for Cybersmart we learnt how to search from Google. We learnt what matters when you’re searching. What matters like punctuation or capital letters. We googled things on the omni-bar and got our results. We also switched the placing and order of the words to see if it came with the same result.

My favourite part was to screenshot the pictures. I also enjoyed ticking what mattered and not. I found it hard to highlight the words because I kept on colouring the words instead of highlighting.

Here is the slides we did for today.

What is Diwali? Diwali

Kia Ora! Yesterday we learnt about Diwali.

What is Diwali?

Diwali is a festival that lasts for five whole days. It starts on the 12th November. It is often called the festival of lights\Indian new year. It is a time to do your prayers, clean your house, spend your time with your family, make rangolis, light diya’s and celebrate .

The story of Diwali (The story of Rama and Sita) (Brief explanation)

Sita is Rama’s partner and one day his stepmother didn’t want him to be the king because she wanted her own son to be king. So she tricked the king into sending Rama and Sita into the forest. they had a good life in the forest until Ravan a demon with ten arms and ten legs spotted her, “I shall make her my wife” he said. When Sita spotted a golden deer outside she said to Rama “I want that deer” So then Rama left to get the deer. When Rama left Sita stayed inside, but she heard the deer scream as Rama so she thought it was Rama screaming. It turns out it was one of Ravan’s monsters. Ravan kidnapped her when she went outside, Sita knew she had to leave a trail for Rama. When Rama touched the Deer it turned into a monster and then he went home to see that Sita wasnt home. He went and found her scarf and bangles and then came across a cave of monkeys. The monkeys said the Sita had been kidnapped. When they got to his lair they rescued Sita and went home. When they got back to the village people lighted diya’s to welcome them home and lead them. Thats how Diwali started.

Diwali Videos :

Diwali artwork that I made]


Pixel Art

Using a piece of media to create art (Pixel Art)

Kia Ora viewers and bloggers today we did some tutorials for Cybersmart and I picked Pixel Art. I learnt how to make the grid smaller in google sheets. My favourite part was colouring the squares. It was challenging to size the squares on the grid. It was also hard following the tutorial, but then I did split screen.

The tutorial helped me learn how to size grids and make a Pixelart and turns out it isn’t as hard as it looks. What didn’t help me learn was there were many other easy ways to delete the columns, but it was a hard way.

Any suggestions for my next pixel art?

Here is the tutorial I used.

Bye everyone, See you next time!



Miss P cooking

Last week on Friday I was replaced and did cooking with room 8, Zaina, Utu and Abraham.

We had lots of fun and cooked spaghetti with meatballs.

We made the sauce, made the meatballs and fried the meatballs.

It was delicious and we even set up the table. We invited Miss Mackenzie to eat with us and she loved it.

I gave some to my brother and he loved it as well. Thank you Miss P! 😃





What is Media? (News article)

Kia Ora bloggers and viewers,

Today I will be showing you all what Room 8 and 9 made yesterday for Cyber-Smart. We made a News article about anything that has been going on in school. I made one about swimming, I included all we have been learning and what we are looking forward to.

The hard part of making this article was picking a good related article. The fun part was writing the article and adding in the pictures.

We also had to match the titles to a news article.



Bye bye see you next time.


Bike Day recount

On Wednesday at school last week the 18th of October we had bike day! After morning tea we went into room 7 to do some activities. We had an activity where there was a picture on the wall and we had to spot the hazards, there were hazards like for example a kid is crossing the road without using a pedestrian when there is one next to them or someone is riding a bicycle without a helmet.

The next activity was a word search. The word search was pretty hard there were even words going backwards. Some of the words were like bike, helmet, bus, crossing, cycling, sustainable, pedal, Transport and traffic. I got a prize for finishing it and I got a bike bottle for my brother, the ones that can connect to your bike.

After that we went outside with our bikes and we did a helmet check and an abcd bike check. A means air, B means breaks, C means chains and D means direction. We started with learning how to signal, to do that we learnt how to high five our buddy while riding our bike with our left and right hands. My left hand was trickier because its not my dominant hand. After that we played the floor of lava and we had to ride our bikes and not touch the floor. I say I did good but I got cornered. After that we were done.