Tag: Planets

The Sun facts

The Sun

Kia Ora!

Today our class had to research through websites about the sun. It was very easy to do, the fun part was adding all the pictures.

I found it a bit hard to find some interesting facts  about the sun with limited websites.

I made a slideshow answering some questions, I really hope you all learn something new!


Planet research news film

Kia Ora!

My planet is Venus so the Video will tell you all about it.

Today my group was discovering about a planet and we picked to show our research on a news film.

You can check out their films on their blogs, Kahu or Afia.

The hard part was managing all the videos on I-movie.

The fun part was putting all the videos together.

Bye everyone! Have a look at the video!


Gravity explanation

Kia Ora!

Today my class had to write explanations about gravity.

It was hard to have ideas about gravity since I don’t know much.

It was very fun to write paragraphs of how gravity makes a huge impact on our life’s.

Here is my explanation I hope you learn something!

 Do you wonder if there is gravity anywhere in space?

What is gravity?

I will tell you what gravity is, who discovered gravity and what gravity does for us. Gravity is something that draws all objects, creatures and everything to earth including us. It’s something in the earth that sticks us to the ground. Some scientists think that the black hole in the centre of the Milky way is the cause of gravity.


Who discovered gravity? 

There is a person who discovered gravity 300 years ago, his name was Isaac Newton. He was just sitting under an apple tree, when an apple fell on him. He thought of why things fall down and never stay up? He researched until he found out that everything that goes up will always go down because we have gravity.


What does gravity do for us?

Gravity makes us stay on the ground. The gravity on earth pulls us towards the centre. There is no gravity in space, that is why no one can survive in space without special suits. That is the reason why we walk with our feet on the ground and the reason we carry our weight, however if earth didn’t have gravity all objects would be up in space orbiting forever. I wonder if there is gravity anywhere in space? If there was no gravity nothing would be on the ground.


I learnt that nothing that goes in the sky stays there because of gravity. I find it cool how gravity pulls us to the center of the earth. I think that gravity is really important because everything would be floating, including us.