Tag: Moon

Moon comparing stories

Kia ora! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Today we had to write summaries of different Moon stories we looked at and compare them the 2 others.

The fun part was when I watched the stories. The part I disliked was when I had to write a summary.

Okay bye guys! take a look at my comparison!

ZM Compare moon stories

This link! โฌ†


About the Moon ๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒ‘๐ŸŒœ

About the Moon ๐ŸŒ›

Talofa Lava!

Today we had to study some stuff about the Moon, we got whiteboards and wrote some keywords that would help us make sentences of the Moon.

I am here to tell you what I know about the Moon.

The Moon is a big rock floating in the sky. The hard part was to find some keywords about the Moon and the fun part was learning about what orbits.

  • There is a big rock in the sky that is called our Moon, earth only has one Moon and some other planets have no moons or over 100 moons.
  • The Moon orbits the Earth and Earth orbits the sun.
  • The Moon has different shapes and that is called the lunar phases, Lunar phases are caused by the atmosphere.
  • The Moon has 8 different phases. It takes the Moon 28 days to make a full trip around earth which is a month.
  • The Moon has no light because it is made out of rock and metal. It actually reflects light from the sun which creates the illusion of moonlight.
  • The Moon is a satellite, a natural, one that humans didn’t create.
  • A satellite is anything that orbits earth. The Moon is the cause of low tide and high tide because of the force of gravity pulling the water.ย 

Bye every one! Come back for more next time!!