3 Space things explanation ๐Ÿš€

Kia Ora!

Today my class had to write 3 things that we would take into space.

I picked three things then our teacher told us that we had to write explanations on why we would bring them. My favourite part was writing the explanations on why I would bring water. The process that was very hard was finding ideas on my text on why I would bring a special spacesuit other than just writing for protection.

Take a look at my explanation writing! โฌ‡

Why I would bring these three items to space ๐Ÿš€

I am going to tell you the three things you must bring into space! You need to bring something into space otherwise you won’t survive! You need many things, but I will point out the main three ones.


First of all, you absolutely can not survive without any water because of the low oxygen supply in the spaceship! It also won’t be a matter of minutes until you start feeling dehydrated and nauseous. You also need it for other things like cleaning space gear and yourself. I would use water because maybe I have to stay a long time in space and I need to clean myself because some people stay for long periods of time in space. I would also use water because I might get my gear dirty on a planet and I can’t bring it in the spaceship.


Secondly, you absolutely need to bring a special space suit. You need to protect yourself on different chilly cold planets and scorching hot ones! Also it provides oxygen while you’re in space. Space suits also provide protection from harmful gases floating in the atmosphere. I would bring one so that I can walk around, explore and take samples.


Lastly, I think you should bring a camera. You can take amazing pictures, show family and friends and even more! Imagine being the first person to land on a planet, even better, you have some photos of different views on the planet! You just made history forever in that case.ย  You might also discover something odd and mysterious about the planet and take a picture.


That is my point of view, because who wouldn’t want to drink water, have a safe suit and create history on a planet? I think that if I had to bring 3 things I would bring these three.

Bye bloggers and viewers!! ๐Ÿ˜„

2 thoughts on “3 Space things explanation ๐Ÿš€

  1. Kia Ora Zaynab,

    I really like how you had sectioned your writing into paragraphs. I love how you have given reasons about why you would bring those things into space. I like how you started with an awesome greeting and an awesome sign off!

    Thank you,
    Anoosha from Hay Park School

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